About Me

Sometimes I cringe when I display this blog´s URL:  meximamma.  After all, do the real Mexican mamas get offended that I´m stealing their title?

Hear me out--this blog documents my journey to be a Mexican mamma, in one sense or another.  While I may not be Mexican myself, I am a mamma to my three Mexican children.  This blog celebrates motherhood and Mexico--often within the same post.

For most Meximammas, being a mamma--Mexican-style--comes naturally.  That´s not the case with me.  After more than ten years, Mexico still sometimes throws me for a loop.  But that´s true for life in general.

Loving the Land of the Flour Tortilla became an appropriate title for this blog.  During my first four years in Mexico, I danced around Mexico City:  I spent a year in Puebla, two years in Morelos, and a year in the State of Mexico.  (Yes, Mexico is a country, a state, AND a city--a fact that´s confusing my kids to no end!)  Then we moved to Saltillo, Coahuila in late 2008.  Northern Mexico is a whole different beast.  Both my Mexican husband and I were adapting culturally.  But, by and large, our adjustment to northern Mexico was a great deal easier and a more positive experience than either of us ever expected.  Loving the Land of the Flour Tortilla first aimed to note those differences between northern Mexico (where they love flour tortillas) and central Mexico (where corn tortillas rule).

My plan here is to reflect on situations and ideas that struck me or had relevance.  Perhaps those situations will speak to others.  Sometimes I´ll just pass on something I found funny.  Whatever the reason for reading, I´m glad you´re here!

4 comentarios :

Anónimo dijo...

Hi! Someone put your blog on a list of Mexico blogs worth reading on Pinterest. I run a Facebook group called Blogging Mexico... with the idea of having a single stop to check for new blog posts about Mexico. I would like to invite you to post current and new blog posts. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1596121287353178/

Jill dijo...

Leigh Ann--I love the idea! Thanks for letting me know--I´ll check that out!

Anónimo dijo...

That would be me on pinterest! https://es.pinterest.com/survivingmexico/blogs-worth-reading-about-mexico/

Jill dijo...

Thanks for that, Survivor! I think I need to make a similar board on pinterest, as there are just too many Mexico blogs worth reading to keep them accessible on a blogroll.