martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

You Know You've Lived in Mexico Too Long When . . .

I saw this ad on the side of my email inbox.

I immediately thought to myself, "that would make GREAT Independence Day dress for a little girl!"

Oh . . . right.

It's a Christmas dress.


5 comentarios :

Rebecca dijo...

LOl....that is funny. On a side note i keep seeing that same dress and admiring how adorable it is. Wish i had a girl!

Katie dijo...

It would make a good 15 de septiembre dress! It's really cute.

Amy G dijo...

Ha, that is so true and awesome. Also, add me to the ranks who want a little girl as a result of that cute dress.

Leslie Harris dijo...

LOL! That dress is perfect to wear to El Grito!!! :) Heck, I want one for me! :P

Jill dijo...

Yeah, I'm thinking Zulily need to make that in adult size.

And Amy and Rebecca . . . you never know! ;)