A few months ago, I read the tiniest blurb in the newspaper about an "eco-tianguis", taking place that Saturday. Tianguis is a Nahuatl (language of the Aztecs) word for market, and the "eco" added to the front implied that they would be selling all things local and organic. I was intrigued, so when I found out where it was and that is was to be an ongoing event, I had to check it out!
They do have any number of local craft people, jewelers (of the hippie style, of course!), baked goods, natural cleaning/pest remidies, honey suppliers, etc. But only ONE produce stand. A bit disappointed. And, when I asked it seems that their produce mostly comes from Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi, just like the Central de Abastos, where every other independent fruit/vegetable seller in town gets their vegetables from.
However, they do sell mamey. And starfruit. And lychees. And guanabana. (Not all the same week.) We have never seen these fruits in this part of the country! So I can even talk Mario into going to the big hippie market, just so he can get his mamey fix. Furthermore, their prices are very competitive with conventionally grown produce sold anywhere in town. Considering that these fruits and veggies are supposed to be organic, I'm sold.
The Eco-Tianguis is held every Saturday between 10-6 right in front of Avemed, just behind the Chrysler dealership on the north side of the Periferico Luis Echevarria.
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