jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Destination: San Luis Potosí--with the parents!

My parents were visiting for two weeks in March.  One of the weekends they were here fell on a three-day weekend, so we decided to get out of town.  Being in this area of the country, our long-weekend options are a little limited (Monterrey, Parras, Texas, San Luis Potosí . . . that´s about all the options on our safe list).  However, we´ve only been to San Luis Potosí once, and LOVED it, so it was high time to try it again. 
The view of Plaza Fundadores from our hotel room.

Sitting on the  steps of the theater.  OK, I sat.  The kids could have climbed them all morning.

The National Mask Museum.  It may get its own post in a few days.

Eating candy and enjoying the grass at the Plaza San Francisco.
Plaza de Armas

Our tour trolley!

As the capital of a very important mining region, San Luis Potosí boasts ornateness EVERYWHERE!
At least, downtown.  

Grandma and Grandpa being good tourists while the kiddos got a good nap on the tour trolley.

3 comentarios :

Classof2024 dijo...

I'm so glad that could come visit y'all! Fun times!

Rabaduex dijo...

Oops - that last comment was from me (Tiffany) logged in to my school computer.

And *they* could come...

Jill dijo...

Thanks for the clarification! But it sure would have been fun HAD we visited! ;)